About me

I am Amirhosein Shams, CEO of Shidco industrial group, Export Step and RussBeauty’s founder. I started my activities in a small workshop and have been persistently trying to broaden my knowledge and develop my skills in order to expand the business ranking. By consistent effort, our small workshop and team had developed, which is considered as one of the best and biggest companies in the country, producing educational furniture and equipment.
During 26 years of experience in industry and production, I’ve always tried to have an international vision. In this path, I imported numerous goods and technologies from southeast of Asian Countries. On the other hand, I was able to export products with the highest quality to Russia, Iraq, and East European countries which caused customer satisfaction in these countries and expanded the global partnership.

Amir Shams

What Is ExportStep?!



RussBeauty Academy

Shidco Company

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History Time

Click on year

activities 2021
Visiting the International Stone Exhibition (More)
Participate in the Eurasia International Exhibition to ideation and find export opportunities(More)
Friendly and intimate atmosphere beside hard work in achieving goals (More)
Second travel to Bandar Anzali, Iran to ideation and find export opportunities (More)
activities 2020
Shidco sales and marketing office’s optimization (More)
Appreciation of Shidco’s senior staff(More)
Celebrating successful export to Russia in sales and marketing department(More)
Meeting with Afghan businessmen in the Chamber of Commerce (More)
Travel to Anzali and Astara ports and the northern customs in Iran to evaluate the export opportunities in Russia and the CIS (More)
Pavilion in Children and Adolescents Exhibition in Iran(More)
The Election of the Chamber of Commerce’s chairman (More)
Coronavirus, pandemic, and obstacles(More)
Award ceremony for the best Assembly line and administrative department staff (More)
activities 2018
Holding Intra-organizational and extra-organizational competitions (More)
Marker production line Inauguration(opening) by having the governor of Isfahan province in Shidco (More)
Attending Moscow Wood Exhibition to ideation and find export opportunities in Russia (More)
Attending the GESS exhibition, Dubai to ideation and find export opportunities (More)
Attending the Mos Build exhibition, Russia to ideation and find export opportunities (More)
Participate in the Russian car exhibition to ideation and find export opportunities (More)
Presenting Iranian products in Moscow’s Pavilion and authorities’ visit(More)
Travel to Europe (More)
activities 2018
Authorities observation and testing products (More)
Pavilion in the Cross-fit exhibition (More)
Celebrating the end of 2018 and presenting the yearly report and planning for the next year (More)
Solidarity of Shidco’s administrative staff (More)
Attending the World Didac exhibition, Russian to find export opportunities(More)
Meeting and co-thinking of Iranian businessmen who were living in Russia, with the President (More)
Attending the Russian Home Furniture Exhibition to ideation and find export opportunities(More)
Travel to Frankfurt, Germany (More)
Problems and obstacles (More)
activities 2017
Celebrating occasions to boost staff’s energy (More)
Celebrating Shidco Chairman’s birthday (More)
Participation and having pavilion in the Stationery exhibition (More)
attending the China Canton Fair exhibition (More)
Travel to Hungary (More)
production rate of the company (More)
Nowruz grass competition (More)
activities 2016
Shidco was Selected and invited to the country’s super-brand creators Congress (More)
Marketing and Export Opportunities Recognition in Iraq (More)
Celebrating occasions to boost Assembly line staff’s energy (More)
Pavilion in Yazd office furniture exhibition (More)
Unveiling of Shidco’s latest achievements in the library systems’ field (More)
Participate in the Metallurgy exhibition to ideation and find export opportunities (More)
attending the China Canton Fair exhibition (More)
Travel to Austria (More)
Our customers(More)
activities 2015
Increasing the sense of solidarity of the Assembly line staff by celebrating different occasions (More)
Increasing the production capacity and warehouses of raw materials (More)
Re-election the new generation of Shidco sliding board as the best educational product in Iran (More)
Visit mineral water factory and research on its construction (More)
Celebrating occasions to boost staff’s energy (More)
Construction of Shidco sales and marketing office (More)
Participate in the Dubai Exhibition (GESS) to ideation and find export opportunities (More)
Travel to Belgium (More)
activities 2014
Visiting old factories from Soviet-era in Armenia(More)
Celebrating occasions to boost staff’s energy(More)
Holding courses and training sessions to improve staff’s skills (More)
Attendance and having pavilion in Tehran Hofex exhibition(More)
Participate in Izmob Exhibition, Turkey to generate ideas and review export opportunities (More)
R&D Success in designing and producing 16-person conference table (More)
activities 2013
Problems and obstacles (More)
Scientific and research visit in Georgian universities (More)
Participate in Dr. Rousta’s marketing and sales conference (More)
Attending BTS exhibition, Dubai to ideation and find export opportunities (More)
Attending the Gess exhibition, Dubai to ideation and find export opportunities (More)
Attending the Erbil, Iraq Exhibition to ideation and find export opportunities (More)
Travel to Prague, Czech Republic (More)
celebrations (More)
Staff’s activities (More)
activities 2012
Construction stages of the petrochemical factory (More)
The award of the best educational furniture producer in Iran (More)
Pavilion in the Isfahan Smartening exhibition (More)
Travel to Slovakia (More)
Travel To Germany(More)
Shidco main factory activities(More)
activities 2011
Pavilion in the Tehran Hofex Exhibition
Iran Minister of Education visited Shidco’s pavilion (More)
Shidco was invited to the World Management Association (More)
Shidco’s Sliding board was selected as the best office furniture product in Iran (More)
Visiting Erbil, Iraq Industry Exhibition to brainstorm and find export opportunities (More)
Travel to Malaysia (More)
Celebrating occasions to boost staff’s energy (More)
activities 2010
Assembly line staff (More)
Pavilion in the Tehran Office Furniture Exhibition (More)
Completed projects (More)
Visiting Indonesian universities to ideation and find export opportunities (More)
Visiting Dubai exhibitions to observe the latest achievements of school smartening (More)
Attending the International Exhibition of Machinery, Turkey (More)
Visit GESS, GEF Dubai exhibition to find export ideas (More)
Travel to Rome, Italy(More)
Problems and obstacles(More)
activities 2009
the workshop was expanded and library equipment was manufactured (More)
Pavilion in the office furniture exhibition in Isfahan, Iran (More)
Visit the IDECO exhibition in Turkey to be familiar with the latest achievements (More)
Visit Dubai Exhibition (GESS) to ideation and look for export opportunities (More)
Visit IKEA and Review their policies with brainstorming (More)
Travel to Turkey (More)
Purchase Shidco factory’s land parcel(More)
Assembly line staff activities(More)
Sampling and inspiring by various exhibitions(More)
Activities in 2008
Celebrating occasions to boost staff’s energy(More)
Travel to Baku, Azerbaijan to explore export opportunities (More)
Visiting ceramics, pipes and fittings exhibition in Turkey to find export opportunities(More)
Pavilion in the school smartization exhibition (More)
Machines were upgraded to increase products quality (More)
Start Shidco customer club(More)
activities in 2007
Moving to a new workshop (more)
Tehran International Exhibition (More)
School Smartening award in (more)
Strengthen the research and development department (R&D) (More)
Visiting Kyiv (Ukraine capital) universities to get ideas and find export opportunities (More)
Visit the Turkish TUIAB exhibition to get ideas and find export opportunities (More)
Activities in 2006
Expanded and optimized Shidco Office No. 1
Shidco advertising and marketing (More)
Design and produce a multi-purpose calendar and personalize it for customers
Design and produce the first electrostatic paint furnace by Shidco’s staff (More)
Advertising and Marketing Exhibition(More)
Completed projects (More)
Visit Ashgabat University (Turkmenistan capital) to brainstorm and find export opportunities (More)
Activities in 2005
Celebrating occasions to boost staff’s energy (more)
hobbing and manufacturing the pieces have been started (Soon)
Sliding Board productivity in the new workshop(More)
Completion of the first office construction (More)
Activities in 2004
My brother visited German universities (More)
Progress in first office building’s construction (More)
Lack of space in the fourth workshop and transfer to the fifth workshop (more)
Success in designing and manufacturing of the first modeled board corner and board beading in the country (More)
activities in 2003
Research and development to create a new product and improve other products quality (click to view)
Try to complete the company’s first office construction (more)
Success in designing and manufacturing Light-box engineering drawing table for printing-house (click to view)
activities in 2002
Purchase the first land to be designed and constructed (more)
Shidco was Invited to the Advertising Psychology Conference (click to view)
Marketing and promoting brand to attract new customers (more)
activities in 2001
My brother’s prosperity (Mr. Behnam Shams) and his preparedness to start a powerful business (click to see more)
Limited space in previous workshop and moving to the new workshop (more)
activities in 2000
My brother’s prosperity (Mr. Behnam Shams) (click to see more)
Brand Reinforcement (advertising and marketing) and trying to stabilize the company’s brand in customer’s minds (click to see more)
Producing the first generation of Sliding boards in Iran and creating a visual brand identity (click to view)
activities in 1999
Re-increase the product portfolio and Archive shelves production (Soon)
My first experience in attending the 1999 exhibition (click to view)
Chalk holder Production (click to view)
activities in 1998
Increasing the product portfolio by producing the first model of Iran’s stand board (click to see more))
Try to strengthen the brand and customer satisfaction through the production of other school supplies (Click to see more)
activities in 1997
green board Production (blackboard) (Soon)
Sales Expansion in other cities of Iran (Soon)
activities 1996
Start the board eraser production and work on the first workshop (more)
Development of the board eraser sales in Isfahan province (more)
Solving the marketing problem by buying a motorcycle (click to view)
activities in 1995
Starting the journey of growth and progress (click to see more)

My Team

مهندس زاهدپور
مهندس گرمسیری
نسیم صادقی
مهندس رنجبر
خانم نوروزی
مهندس یزدانی
فهیمه ایمانیان
امین موسوی فر
ناهید کاظمی
مهندس حموله
مهندس مریم رحیمی
مهندس قائد علم
مهندس پریسا کوچک
مهندس امیرمسعود سهرابی
الناز کیانپور
مهندس گرمسیری
آقای شکوهی - منابع انسانی
خانم جدیری
آقای علی صالحی - مدیر تولید
پریا مهرآفرین
آقای قرائتی - مدیر مالی
خانم درویشی
آقای کیانی
خانم جهانی - حسابداری
مهندس بختیاری
خانم پریسا معتمدی
آقای مرتضی محمد جعفری - حسابدار
سجاد ایزدی


I am always looking for new collaborators and opportunities, your passion for career promotion and your motivation matter to me, to start your international journey and overcome the challenges, all you need is to fill the form below and mention your interest, expertise, and your product, we will be in touch with you in less than 72 hours.
This is just the beginning of new adventures.
You are expertise in a special field
You are an investor
You are motivated and hard worker
You are looking for commercial opportunities in Russia.
I`m looking forward to meeting you

Projects and Clients